Six Ways To Make Sure That Your Reverse Osmosis Equipment Functions Properly
A reverse osmosis system can be a great option for filtering the water your household uses. However, these systems need to be properly cared for to maximize their lifespan and make sure that they work properly.
The following are six ways to make sure that your reverse osmosis equipment functions properly and doesn't experience malfunctions.
Having a water softener installed
Hard water can cause some strain on reverse osmosis system parts including membranes and filters. That's why it's always a good idea to have a water softener installed before you have a reverse osmosis system put in place if you live in an area with hard water.
A water softener won't only improve the condition of your reverse osmosis equipment, but it will also lead to even better water quality for your household.
Getting your system inspected by a plumber on a regular basis
System inspections are important to make sure that you're aware of any needed repairs or services that come up. It's a good idea to have a plumber with experience working on reverse osmosis systems perform an inspection about once every year or so.
Changing water filters once in a while
You'll need to change the filter on your reverse osmosis system periodically. Make sure that your filter is changed as often as recommended by the manufacturer. Changing the filter is one of the most important maintenance tasks you need to take care of for your reverse osmosis system.
Replacing the membrane when recommended
One of the other major maintenance tasks for reverse osmosis systems is replacing the system's membrane. The membrane is one of the most important components of a reverse osmosis system.
You should be aware of how often your need to replace the membrane for your system. You should also make note of the fact that more frequent membrane replacement is necessary if your home has hard water.
Periodically draining out the storage tank
You'll need to drain out the storage tank of your system fairly often. Discuss the need to drain your tank with your plumber to determine how often you should be doing this for your particular system.
Sanitizing the storage tank
Simply draining out the storage tank is not enough to keep your reverse osmosis system in the best possible shape. You should also be giving your storage tank a thorough cleaning and sanitizing your storage tank periodically to prevent residue from building up inside it.
For more information about your reverse osmosis system, contact a company like Aqua Soft, Inc.