Key Signs You Need To Install A New Sewer Line System

15 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Most people cannot see their home's main sewer line. As a result, few people think about what happens in the pipes and whether their condition could be deteriorating. Sewers line materials can withstand a lot of chemical corrosion before disintegrating, but they cannot last forever. In most cases, the main sewer line needs a replacement after about fifty years. Most people spend years in homes with broken sewer lines and do not even realize it. However, if you watch for the following signs of damage, it will be easier to know when to replace the system. 

Drains Move Slowly 

Slow-moving drains are common in the home, and most people have patience while dealing with them. The typical assumption is that the problem will resolve itself, and it does most of the time. Food particles, soap, scum, and foreign objects can make the drains move slowly. Homeowners deal with slow-moving drains by clearing them or hiring a professional plumber. However, if you have noticed that almost all the drains in your home move slowly, the problem is a damaged sewer line. A plumber can perform imaging tests and determine whether the sewer pipes have damage that needs fixing. 

The Plumbing Keeps Clogging

Clogs are another common plumbing issue in the home. When it affects one part of the drainage, you assume that some toilet paper or other solid object got jammed inside the system. Typical solutions for clogged drains and water backing up into the house include hydro-jetting, drain snakes, and other chemicals that dissolve the clog. However, it is not normal for all plumbing pipes in the house to clog simultaneously. If you notice that all your pipes have clogged, get a plumber to inspect the sewer. 

Gray Water Backing Up to the House

Another direct sign of trouble is when raw sewage starts backing up into the house. Sewer water should be a significant hygiene concern in your home because it can lead to contamination and severe bacterial infections. It is best to treat sewage backing up into the house as a plumbing emergency that needs immediate intervention. They will inspect the sewer line and septic tank and fix the sewer damage.

If you suspect that you have sewer damage from any of the signs mentioned, it is time to call a plumber. They can replace the ruined line with a better one for more efficient waste management.  

For more information on sewer line installation, contact a plumber in your area.
